How Tokistar Lighting Keeps Lights On Around the Globe with Help from AcctVantage ERP

Tokistar Lighting is a custom, low-voltage lighting and controls manufacturer. Based in southern California, they sell domestically and internationally. Their lighting products can be found in Chase Bank, McDonald’s, Taco Bell, and just about every casino in the United States.

Between components and finished products, they have plenty of inventory to track. Not to mention all the shipments they need to send or the flood of invoices they need to process.

Years ago they tried to cobble together a solution on their own, but what they really needed was a purpose-built system that brings all the pieces together.

According to Michele Weiler, Controller of Tokistar Lighting, ever since she switched the company to AcctVantage ERP “everything just works.”

A Spreadsheet Can’t Help You Find Six Light Bulbs

When it comes to keeping Tokistar afloat, the name of the game is “inventory, inventory, inventory.”

Everything they make is custom. They need to know exactly what they have–and where it is–at all times.

Michele says that the difference between a lucrative sale and a broken business relationship could come down to tracking as few as six LEDs.

When Michele first came to the company, they were running everything through Excel including inventory management, accounting, and sales.

But once they switched to AcctVantage ERP, suddenly everything they wished their old software could do became simple and easy. That’s when they knew that nothing else could compete.

With AcctVantage ERP, their accounting is seamlessly integrated with their inventory management–so materials get tracked all the way through the process. Inventory goes from component to product to invoice to receivable.

And it all happens smoothly, quickly, and with almost no effort from Michele’s team.

Why is it important for Tokistar to track everything with minimal work? Well, like many AcctVantage ERP customers, Tokistar is processing a LARGE amount of business with a tight and efficient staff. They each wear a lot of hats!

If operating their software took up big chunks of everyone’s work day––or, worse, if it required a new hire––the company’s profits could take a hit.

But with AcctVantage ERP, whenever someone needs to get up to speed with a feature they haven’t used before, the learning curve is fast and easy.

AcctVantage ERP Provides the Stability to Support Future Growth

Even a global pandemic could not slow them down. Like many businesses at that time, Tokistar Lighting was at risk of losing a lot of business (and who wasn’t!). But thanks to AcctVantage ERP, they’ve been able to keep sales steady.

And Michele Weiler sees only faster, smoother sailing ahead.

To find out how you can use AcctVantage ERP to optimize your business, click here to get in touch with us.

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