Top 10 Criteria for Selecting Business Software

Top 10 Criteria for Selecting Business Software

We were poking through some of our old research data when we found an interesting study done by Deloitte & Touche.

It shows the priorities of businesses shopping for ERP software, split into first time buyers and second time buyers.

If you’re looking for an ERP solution, take a minute to rank the factors listed below by where they fall in your priorities. Particularly, notice the differences between a first-time and second-time buyer. It may well save you a tremendous amount of time and money!

Take a Look at the Data

First-Time Buyers

These are the factors as ranked by businesses looking for their first business system:

  1. Price of software
  2. Ease of implementation
  3. Ease of use
  4. Software’s ability to fit the business
  5. Functionality of software
  6. Software works with existing hardware
  7. Growth potential of software
  8. Level of support provided by the vendor
  9. Quality of documentation
  10. Developer’s track record of performance

Second-Time Buyers

Here are the same factors, but this time for businesses looking for their second system:

  1. Level of support provided by the vendor
  2. Developer’s track record of performance
  3. Software’s ability to fit the business
  4. Growth potential of software
  5. Price of software
  6. Quality of documentation
  7. Functionality of software
  8. Ease of use
  9. Ease of Implementation
  10. Software works with existing hardware

So, What Do Experienced ERP Buyers Look For?

For businesses that have direct experience with buying and implementing business systems like AcctVantage ERP, it’s clear that:

  • Quality of support is critical. We consistently get rave reviews from our customers about the quality of our support.
  • Track record of success for the developer is critical. We have a 96% implementation success rate in an industry that averages 50%.
  • Price, while it still matters, is not nearly as important as the “soft” success factors, which all come down to relationship–a core value for all of us at AcctVantage ERP.

Shop Like a Pro

So, how did your rankings match up? Do you look for the factors that a first-time buyer would? Or do you shop like an ERP veteran?

If you want help deciding which factors are most important for your business software system, or if you want to find out how AcctVantage ERP can support your ongoing business growth and success, click here to get in touch with us.

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