How Steve Spangler Science Used AcctVantage ERP to Streamline Shipping, Reduce Overhead, Increase Sales… and Happily Sell The Business

If you’ve seen a science-magic demo on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, then you’ve most likely seen Steve Spangler.

His engaging performances and keen business sense built Steve Spangler Science into a company that makes science fun and engaging for all ages.

But keeping track of inventory and customer orders became complicated, time-consuming, and expensive as the business grew. That’s where AcctVantage ERP stepped in.

Using AcctVantage ERP, Steve Spangler Science grew to the point where they were successfully bought out by Really Good Stuff.

But Steve never misses an opportunity to perform! To our shock, Steve surprised Tim with this crazy testimonial video. The flames are the best part. Check it out here:

Jeff Brooks’ Story: From Inefficiency to Streamlined End-to-End Inventory Management

Behind the Steve Spangler Science brand is Jeff Brooks, the Director of Operations. He’s the guy who keeps the company’s gears turning.

Recently, Jeff sat down with us to talk about how AcctVantage ERP has changed the way Steve Spangler Science runs and helped them stay afloat.

It had been clear to Jeff for a while that the old systems managing Steve Spangler Science’s inventory, accounting, and manufacturing just weren’t going to scale as the business grew.

The old system was slow, it didn’t let them track their materials as accurately as they needed to, and it lacked multi-warehouse support.

If Steve Spangler Science was going to keep growing, they needed something better.

So Jeff shopped around for a while. (He’s a responsible guy like that.)

A couple of our competitors’ names were tossed around the offices for a while.

But all of them were either way too pricey, or would take a long time to implement.

And worst of all, none of the other options had cross-platform support for Windows and Mac at the time. This was a deal-breaker for Jeff.

Then he called us, and the rest was history.

What Ever Happened To The IT Support Guy?

We sent Tim out there to personally do the implementation, and he only spent a weekend at their offices. (In this industry, that’s almost unheard of.)

Steve Spangler Science ran their old, inefficient system on several expensive, high-maintenance, server-class machines.

To their delight, their new AcctVantage ERP system gave them all the features they needed, while only using a single desktop-class machine as its server.

And they don’t even need an IT person anymore.

No, really. Their IT guy moved on to another prospect a while back, and they just… never replaced him.

There was no need.

Results At A Glance

And how is Steve Spangler Science doing since implementing our system? Check out these results:

  • Steve Spangler Science went from a team of five shipping personnel down to three, while dramatically growing sales at the same time.
  • They’ve removed about 2 hours per day of administrative time related to shipping.
  • And, Jeff even got his 40-hour work week back!

With AcctVantage ERP, Steve Spangler Science grew to the point where they were bought out by Really Good Stuff, a nationwide educational company that provides science tools and kits for the K12 education market.

A perfect fit! And it doesn’t get any better than that.

To find out how you can use AcctVantage ERP to optimize your business, click here to get in touch with us.

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