3 Major Benefits of ERP Software

3 Major Benefits of ERP Software

The Biggest Things You Can Expect to Get Out of Your ERP System

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software helps companies manage all aspects of their business operations. It includes accounting, human resources, inventory management, customer relationship management, and other functions that support day-to-day business processes.

Very broadly, ERP software refers to any integrated system that unifies data from across your business. It’s more popular in some industries than others, but it’s particularly useful for any business where inventory is essential.

When you take a comprehensive look at it, the advantages of a system like that could fill a list a mile long. Let’s go through the first few yards.

Better Customer Service

ERP software improves customer service by providing real-time updates on order status and delivery times. No more telling a customer that their delayed package will arrive “eventually”. ERP software lets you keep customers informed about their orders, and makes sure they don’t get confused or upset by a mix-up.

That’s not to mention the decrease in customer service-related headaches on your end. A good ERP system will let you look up a customer’s name and immediately see all the data your company has on them, all organized in an easy-to-digest format. Previous transactions, status of in-process orders, notes from previous customer service calls, all laid out in the easiest way for you to parse at a glance.

Improved Productivity

Improved Productivity

ERP software allows businesses to automate manual tasks and streamline workflows. This means employees spend less time doing repetitive tasks and more time focusing on higher value activities.

Instead of having your warehouse manager prop up the wobbly tower of inventory spreadsheets, let the computer handle the grunt work. Whenever a shipment arrives from a supplier, a couple clicks is all it takes to update your inventory records. All the fiddly little details get abstracted away, as if by magic.

More Accurate Data

More Accurate Data

ERP lets you make better decisions based on accurate data. Say what you like, but nothing feels better than looking at a folder of production reports and knowing that you can trust them. That kind of reliability is really comforting when you need it.

For example, say there’s one particular item that keeps going missing from the shelves. You might wonder if it’s “shrinkage”. But what if the problem was actually due to poor labeling? Or some other clerical error somewhere along the line? With ERP software, you can find the root cause faster—and fix the issue before it gets worse.

ERP software gives you the tools to improve productivity, reduce errors, and increase customer satisfaction. In other words, ERP software gives you a chance of getting your 40-hour work week back and good nights’ sleep as well.

To find out how AcctVantage ERP can support your ongoing business growth and success, click here to get in touch with us.

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