The 2 Keys to an Effective ERP System

The 2 Keys to an Effective ERP System

ERP systems are used by businesses to manage all aspects of their operations. They include accounting, inventory management, purchasing, human resources, payroll, customer service, and many other functions.

We’ve previously taken detailed looks at the keys to a successful ERP implementation, as well as some of the specific tools and processes that ERP systems incorporate. But we were talking it over recently, and we think we’ve identified what really separates an effective ERP system from a so-so one.

When you boil it down, it comes down to two key human factors.

A Clear Vision Of Where You Want To Go

A Clear Vision Of Where You Want To Go

Whether you’re gearing up for your ERP implementation or trying to make more efficient use of your current system, it’s vital that you actually know what you’re trying to get out of your software.

Identify the specific benefits of ERP that are most helpful for your industry or your business. Pick the concrete flaws or efficiency-sinks in your operations that you want ERP to help you improve.

A Plan For Getting There

You can’t just install new technology and expect everything to work itself out. If you do that, chances are good you’ll be disappointed with how things turn out—and if you don’t have a plan for making sure you end up where you wanted to go anyway, then you might not even realize when something goes wrong!

Once you’ve decided what you want, create a plan to get from here to there.

If you’re prepping for an implementation, share the key goals you identified with your ERP provider’s implementation team. Ask them if their software provides elegant solutions to the problems you singled out. (Pro-tip: Ask for details. Exactly how can their software solve the particular problem you have? Even if you don’t quite understand their answer, seeing how they answer can tell you a lot.)

If you’re trying to better use an existing ERP system, everyone on your team who interacts with the system regularly should have received thorough training with it during your implementation. Use that knowledge to design a plan of action based around solving your company’s most pressing needs.

Make sure every member of your staff understands what the ERP solution is supposed to accomplish and why its users need access to certain features and data sets. It will save time later when people aren’t having to figure out exactly which part of the toolset does what.

In either case, you may find yourself needing to modify your plans along the way. That happens sometimes; no matter how carefully you map out your path ahead, unexpected obstacles crop up. If you have an idea about how to solve a problem that doesn’t seem to fit into your planned solution, don’t be afraid to try it. If it doesn’t work out, you can always go back to your original plan.

To find out how AcctVantage ERP can support your ongoing business growth and success, click here to get in touch with us.

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